Kuphimba pakamwa:
The cover mouth is made of corrosion-resistant high-density PP material, and the diameter of the cover mouth is 150mm, 200mm, 375mm, 500mm, 640*420mm for choice of rotation radius: the activity radius of the fixed frame can reach 1500mm
Mapaipi amapangidwa ndi zotsutsana ndi ma pp
Maziko okhazikika:
Mbali yokhazikika imapangidwa ndi ziphuphu zakuthambo zokhala ndi ma pp chifukwa cha jekeseni
A Valiyumu Amlengalenga:
Kugwiritsa ntchito ma prossion okwera kwambiri a PP, kudzera mu Knob kuti asinthe kukula kwa voliyumu ya mpweya, ntchito yosavuta